Monday, January 24, 2011

A sunny Sunday in Melbourne

Well, the weather continues to hold...and that's great for us. Gerry's cold continues to get better, Larry hasn't come down with anything yet, and we've still got a few more days here in Wonderful Melbourne. Sunday we explored the city by tram....and there was lots to see.

The Melbourne GPO on Bourke Street no longer processes mail....but has shops with expensive, couture items. We like the building but didn't explore the stores. Not quite our style.

A quiet Bourke Street Mall early in the day.
A case of mannequins watches over a busy crowd on Acland Street

Big crowds of people congregate on the expansive lawn of the Melbourne City Library in the evening.

You'll find this shot tower inside a tall conical-shaped building in the Central Business District.

Pastries, pastries proudly displayed in this bakery's window.
More goodies: Four bakeries next to each other on Acland Street

A Sunday afternoon crowd on Acland Street....everybody was all smiles and having fun.

Four friends get their pictures taken in a park...everyone was out for a great weekend!
A Yarra River footbridge with the Eureka Tower in the background.

Oranges --- and more --- at a colorful Elizabeth Street Juice Bar right down from our apartment, they make great juice combinations for every taste.

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