Sunday In Paris

There's no easier way to get around Paris than by Metro....and while it ain't cheap, it sure is amazing. Once you've learned a few French words — and how this elaborate system works — you can get almost anywhere in this city within an hour. Since we're taking a few side trips, we scoped out train stations Sunday and this metro station was Gare de l'Est.

Hungry for take-out? At Sunday's Organic Raspail market you had lots of choices including pork, sausages, potatoes and sauerkraut (choucroute garnie) or seafood paella...either one sold from gigantic steaming pans.

Of course there was plenty of bread (by the pound) and flowers by the bouquet. Its a while before Easter and although it's a bit warmer her than at home, the flower selection is still more Winter than Spring. Even so, it's easy to find greenery for a Parisian apartment.... flower stores and booths and market stalls are as easy to find as are bakeries.

Strawberries, limes, and berries and plums, artichokes, and (below) zucchini, cabbage and eggplants.

Thanks to (former San Francisco now Parisian) blogger and author David Lebovitz we learned about Holybelly....a great not-so-usual Paris restaurant and coffee hangout. We've been there twice (and likely will return) for their friendliness and their fare.

Just down Rue Lucien Simpaix a bit (from HolyBelly) is Liberté, a great new boulangerie with an interesting take on bread and pastries. Their sandwiches hit the spot. Alas we visited the area the wrong day to check out their next-door neighbor The Sunken Chip... it was closed.

Big loaves — cut to order. For some varieties, we've consider this and may try it this year. Customers...what do you think?

Liberté makes an amazing chocolate bread — very similar to one we'll be featuring regularly this year at the Bayview Farmers Market.

We wonder what this city looks like in Spring, Summer and Fall when empty trees, bushes and vines are leaved out. We love our Winter visits, but would love to see this marvelous city in all its splendor.

Train stations are amazingly busy, bustling centers of activity and when a train says it leaves at 12:55, you'd better be on board because it pulls out the exact moment the clock changes from 12:54:59.

Lots of market cheese and new to the French markets is kale, while a staple in the PNW, it something new here and still very rarely seen.

Wines, ciders, and roses add beauty and color to everyday life.

Fresh eggs sold by the "ones" or half dozen....(or dozen)

Elaborate displays of vegetables (and fruits) and jams and jellies, the "sweet/tart" cherry is to die for!

Hungry for something to about a crepe....or a big loaf of bread to munch on?

On Rue du Cherche-Midi you'll find chocolate shops, the beautiful wheat-stalk door handle at the famous Poilane Boulangerie, interesting jewelry and exquisite clothing.

Glance up and you see an amazing variety of architectural styles and colors

Brioche with sucre and pizza squares piled high with wonderful toppings.

Fancy individual cakes come in rounds and rectangle shapes.

Sunday along the Seine....murky water (from runoff) and tourist busses near Notre Dame

Looking for a pet? Plenty of the colored feathered kinds for sale each week.

Bikers whiz by and pedestrians stroll along by the Seine. And at Les Halles, checking out progress of the new redevelopment of the area. And finally, back near our apartment we love the artwork on this Raspail Boulevard building.

Lovely images! I think you should return each season to see how the city changes. The only time I didn't care for Paris was in August when we spent a couple nights en route to a bicycle trip/tour in the Loire Valley. It was blazing hot (but still beautiful). Thanks for sharing. Merci!