Those of you who have tried our Anzac Biscuits know how great they are. Well there is one little hitch.... they call for a product called Golden Syrup. This is a product that is available here in the US, but the only brand we have ever found is Lyle's Golden Syrup. While it is a great product, the cost is prohibitive for the amount we use. But wait... there is a sugar refiner in Canada that makes it and it's called Rogers Golden Syrup !!! The bad news is that they don't import it to the US.
Since Gerry's dad was born in Canada, and he had a real "sweet tooth", we always had some on hand. When we decided to start making it for our customers, we picked up a few jars on a visit to Vancouver. Now into week three of our market, we realized that a few jars was not near enough. After a web search, we found that it was available from a bakery supplier in Vancouver BC. Thanks to Snow Cap Bakery supply in Burnaby and a quick trip up... well not that quick (think US border control and 100 lbs of syrup) we should be set for the season.
Now that we have enough Golden Syrup, Anzac Biscuits are yours for the season, get yours this week at the Bayview Farmers Market, Saturdays 10-2.

14-Carrot Double Gold Dessert Cake
By now you likely know we were really impressed with almost everything we found in Australia earlier this year. This week we introduce a new line of cakes -- we call them dessert cakes. In Australia they're known as "health" cakes or "baker's" cakes. We're calling this week's variety "14-Carrot Double Gold Dessert Cake." A cousin of our popular Carrot Cake,14-Carrot Double Gold Cake has fresh-shredded carrots, dried apricots, walnuts... and is made with white AND whole wheat flours. It's finished with a light cream-cheese icing infused with orange zest. You're sure to like it...order one for Saturday
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